Eliminator Solar BLDC Chemical Pump
Reliable and accurate chemical injection using an electrically driven pump. Our innovative design features low power consumption and utilizes a proven pump to provide a robust solution that is ideal for running off solar energy. The motor and integrated controller are rated for Class 1 Division 1 areas

Duplex Installation
- High Efficient electric drive unit eliminates fuel gas consumption and venting. Most low rate applications would not require additional solar if already available on site. Power consumption varies depending on pressure and rate as well as the model of pump. Contact us for power consumption details.
- Capable of a extremely wide injection rate without changing plunger size.
- Immune to the effects fluctuating temperature, process pressure and voltage have on actual injection rate that other competing solar chemical pumps suffer from.
- Smart diagnostics to detect issues with the injection pump such as loss of prime to enable alarming of conditions that would indicate chemical is not being injected.
- Completely self-contained. Entire unit is Class 1 Div 1 rated including the controller.
- Controller is Bluetooth enabled with low power LED backlit display and includes a Micro SD card slot for data logging. Very easy adjustments, change set points via smartphone app, buttons or magnetic switches.
- Various I/O available for RTU integration.
- Retrofit a 5100 series pneumatic injector without changing any tubing!
- Easy installation, just supply power (24v) and connect suction and discharge lines. No controllers to install in RTU cabinet or additional equipment. 5m of cable with sealed connector included.
Contact Us for more information and pricing!
*See sidebar for more information